Implement or Host A Clinic For ECT Club
Whether it's for the committed individuals at the racquet club you manage or for a youth team, contact our team for a consultation.
Full ECT program consists of:
70 dynamic stretch movements
26 conditioning and footwork Circuits
Clemetine and Marie demonstrating circuit 1 part 2 conditioning into footwork recovery patterns for neutral ball cross court while Tim shadows in back awaiting rotation.
Extreme Cardio Tennis (ECT)
This patented system of tennis-specific training for average to very advance players is performed in a group clinic setting. It consists of a specific step-by-step dynamic stretching warm-up, live hitting warm up and two 30 minute segments of training. The first 30 minutes are isolated drilling blended with leg and core endurance, speed and explosive exercises emphasizing alignment and footwork. The second 30 minutes is live ball hitting in an advance format with an effort on performing the exercises and footwork laid out in the first 30 minutes.
ECT is owned and operated by TPA and Tim Keller and is currently being held every Monday night exclusively for the members of Cityview Racquet Club in Long Island, NYC from 6:30pm to 8pm. Contact us for details regarding more clubs where ECT will be implemented.