How Working Together Works
How to Get in Touch
- Call us at 929-364-3403 or email [email protected] to arrange a one hour coaching consultation on the court at our privately contracted facility in Manhattan.
- Email a list of convenient time frames for yourself. We will match a time and day with you if possible pending our schedule and availability. Please understand time can be limited as we re-structure and work with all levels of adults and active professionals including travels and speaking arrangements, along with the fact that we only work with the selected unlimited amount of people annually thereby enjoying quality work.
- We meet on court and go to work!
- Potentially arrange a coaching agreement for a full season. For a full coaching contract it is paramount that the player(s) and coach(es) have likability toward one another and that the player sees and trusts the logically methodological construction of the sport. Without these two factors mutually, a season arrangement would not be offered or agreed upon.
For consult: All of our fees are all inclusive and may or may not include extra coaches, instructors or hitters.
For Season: Fees are all inclusive and dependent on the amount of time a player will work on court on weekly basis. Our minimum for progress and development is once a week.
Private development and coaching is done with a limited amount of adults on an annual basis. This is to maintain quality and keep a personalized focus toward reaching whatever goals you may have. We currently maintain working contracts with active professionals along with our primary focus of improvement for adults. Working inside this method will take your awareness of what your doing to very new places along with giving what you should be doing an unquestionable answer to anyone or any coach anywhere. We have with such great fun built beginners giving them the most important of fundamentals to improve technically without structural flaws and enlightened former high level (world class) adult players to countless things they were missing. Our methods are not just coming from us and Coach Keller. They can be backed up with a proper structural video analysis of any current ATP/WTA professional you admire. We do that on daily basis and welcome the questions you would have. With pure logic we can make you understand any explanation or enlighten any notion you my have. It is immense fun and truly is guaranteed improvement, understanding and awareness of our sport at the most elite level.
The techniques used to recalibrate muscle memory have been improved modifications on National academy techniques to maximize muscle memory changes. Some are very simple and can be done anywhere. With all of this one is also assured excitement while beginning to watch the sport through different eyes, see the deeper beauty of the movements and the true chess of the game.